The EnviroMETROS of the company SPECS

Industrial Design for high-end analyzer

Beneath the powder-coated, pure white stainless steel housing works an extremely complex as well as innovative analysis method, with which even small material samples can be tested qualitatively and quantitatively with the utmost precision. For this purpose, the surface spectroscopy of the Berlin SPECSGroup works with various radiation sources and evaluation methods. Whereas the method was previously reserved for experimental laboratories, the step into the industrial context is now pending - with the compact EnviroMETROS systems.

What initially appears to be a simple industrial design task is actually quite complicated - mainly because there are few outward elements that could characterize the analysis method. Strictly speaking, only the thrust for sampling requires direct interaction with the plant - everything else, analysis start and evaluation run on external systems.


Thus, the aspect of ergonomics, which is usually so present in production machines, only plays a subordinate role here. The design was much more intended to emphasize the uniqueness of the system and give the "black box" a brand-typical appearance. This task is performed by the dark area, which is laid asymmetrically over the white front, following the internal design, and contains all the essential active elements. Thus, in addition to the sample drawer, there is also a vertical status display, the warning indicators for radiation operation and the indispensable emergency stop switch. Again, defortec uses glass elements here, darkened and thus not completely transparent, the material here allows a view into the complex anlaysis technology, visible as silvery shimmering, fascinatingly shaped apparatus.


Since even a high-tech system needs to be serviced from time to time, the housing can be opened over its entire height - or removed for transport through narrow doors. The recess in the lower section makes the volume more dynamic, as do the continuous bevels on the vertical and horizontal edges.


The design development was characterized by extremely close teamwork - both with the scientists and with the company's marketing experts. The latter placed great emphasis on differentiation and the implementation of a corporate design that can also be transferred to future variants or analysis systems.



The design study shows that even large-scale plants, whose appearance has so far been determined more by function, can gain noticeable added value through intelligent industrial design.


The defortec services at a glance

    •  Design with visionary claim
    •  Completely new interface conception
    •  Branding optimized design
    •  Industry 4.0 principles
Project overview

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"Brand Design"

Das Brand Design schafft eine Verbindung zwischen dem Corporate Design, den Kunden und dem Wettbewerb. Das Brand Design ist dafür zuständig positive Stimmung, Assoziationen und Emotionen zu wecken. Während des Branding-Prozesses spielt die Konzeption eine große Rolle. Es wird eine Verbindung mit dem Erkennungszeichen des Unternehmens hergestellt und passt sich der individuellen Zielgruppe an. In manchen Fällen ist es sogar so, dass das Corporate Design ebenfalls das Brand Design ist.