

3D modeling is a mathematical process that creates a three-dimensional representation of an object/shape. The representation is then called a 3D model. 3D models are used in various industries and are becoming increasingly popular. 3D modeling is used in game development, in film and television, for architecture and in product development. The process is also used in medicine, science and arboriculture - visualizing, simulating and rendering graphic designs has become indispensable.

Additive Manufacturing, AM

In industrial language, 3D printing is usually referred to as additive manufacturing. Additive manufacturing is suitable for the production of visual and functional prototypes, as well as end products, tools and molds. Three-dimensional objects are created by applying the material layer by layer.

The development cycle changes - this brings with it a number of advantages and possibilities. There is freedom of design, individual pieces can be produced, the material can be used efficiently and the interactive development of products is simplified. This results in a high degree of design freedom. Components with complex functions can be manufactured and the number of components is minimized.

The rapid production of prototypes and series makes the development process more flexible. The areas of application for additive manufacturing are

Rapid prototyping: "rapid model making" - simple prototype production. The area of additive manufacturing to quickly and cost-effectively produce a true-to-scale model of a physical part or a series as a model.

Rapid tooling: "Rapid tooling" is used to produce machines and tools using additive manufacturing. This also includes mold making for injection-molded parts. Costs are reduced with fast development and production processes, more efficient use of materials, faster production times and process chain.

Rapid Repair: Rapid Repair involves the repair of damaged tools.

Rapid Manufacturing RM: RM and DM (Direct Manufacturing) are used to additively manufacture end products. The advantages here are the faster development and implementation of the components. The process is often much faster than normal processes.


Acanthus is a classic ornament consisting of wavy and curved leaves. This type of ornament is used exclusively on Corinthian capitals and composite capitals. The acanthus ornament style was also used as a design element from the Renaissance to the late Baroque period.

acoustic design

Acoustic design is intended to give products a unique and pleasant sound. Examples of this include damping car doors so that the sound is no longer so unpleasant when they slam. Or when operating PCs, remote controls and other electrical devices, the operating sounds are pleasant. Even the opening of packaging has been partly redesigned by acoustic experts with an acoustic design.

Acoustic design is not only used in product design, but also in architecture and construction. Various insulating materials, floor coverings, building materials and absorbers ensure beautiful room acoustics.

Acoustic designers work closely with product designers. As part of the product development team, they are responsible for the acoustic design of the product.

Uniquie selling proposition (USP)

In design, marketing and sales psychology, the unique selling proposition is the outstanding feature that clearly sets a product or offer apart from the competition. These features can be functional and/or creative. In a successful design and development process, this results in veritable customer benefits and corporate values. The unique selling proposition, or USP for short, should be "defensible", target group-oriented and economical, and should be implemented in terms of price, time and quality. Together with other factors, a unique selling proposition forms the brand promise.


The word "ambience" describes a mood, flair and atmosphere. But it also refers to an environment, a living space and living conditions. [The term ambience is very versatile and conveys the "individual" characteristics of a room, works of art or interior design. The ambience conveys that the furnishings are very successful and unmistakably beautiful.

plant design

The system design should be customer-specific. The system must be precisely tailored to the customer and a function-oriented design planning must take place. The systems must be easy to clean, comply with the applicable technical regulations and produce flawless product quality. In the system design, a harmonious unit is created in the corporate design, with all the necessary functions and uses.


Anthropometry is the scientific study of human body shapes and the interaction between body and environment. It involves measuring the body and its parts, and analyzing the results in terms of function, aesthetics and health. Anthropometry plays an important role in product development, as it provides insights into the human body that must be taken into account when designing products and workplaces, and new products are developed accordingly. Anthropometry forms the basis of ergonomics and therefore for the ergonomic design of products.


In product design, the archetype is a form that exemplifies a product class. For example, archetypes (Greek arche: beginning, typos: archetype) are forms that have become firmly established in our cultural memory. The form stands for a specific function.

Art déco (art décoratif)

Art deco is a stylistic term that is used to describe design in various areas of design, such as furniture, automobiles, fashion, architecture and jewelry. The style term stands for an international and French direction in design. The Art Deco style is associated with the succession of the Art Nouveau style, from which all kinds of different characteristics were adopted. The style is a mixture of functionalism and the flowery/floral/ornamental boyish style. First-class, high-quality materials such as ebony, glass, leather, silver etc. are mostly used. Elegance, sensuality and preciousness are the hallmarks of this style and are at the forefront.


The term „aesthetics“ derives from the Greek aísthēsis meaning „perception“, „sensation“ and has been a doctrine of visible beauty until the 19th century. That doctrine mainly focused upon the laws and the harmony in nature and art. Colloquially, aesthetics is nowadays mostly as a synonym for „nice“, „tasteful“ or „attractive“. In science „aesthetics“ means the amount of attributes, which decide how people perceive objects.

asymmetrical, asymmetry

Asymmetrical refers to things that are not uniform/symmetrical. The ratio of the proportions is different in the overall composition. Asymmetry is often incorporated as a design effect, making the design appear more interesting. It is a challenge to create a balanced asymmetrical design. However, a symmetrical design is much more appealing and attractive. This is because the harmony of nature is disturbed by asymmetry.

well-balanced design

The design is harmonious, perfectly coordinated and carefully considered. The various stylistic elements are not conspicuously emphasized, but used in balance so that there is a balanced shape in the design.

authentic, authenticity

Comes from authenticity (Greek: credibility, reliability, genuineness) and has the meaning of genuineness. Something has been tested and found to be an "original". Thus, authentic products are products that are the original or identical to the original.

It can also include products that are not identical to the original, but convincingly represent the initial quality, performance and identity. As soon as the user's expectations are met and the product "delivers what it promises", it can be described as authentic.


A bahut is a type of richly decorated cabinet that was very popular in France in the 17th and 18th centuries. Bahuts were often made from expensive woods such as walnut or mahogany and were often decorated with intricate carvings or inlays. Even today, bahuts are still prized by collectors for their beauty and craftsmanship. Bahuts often consist of a box with a flat lid that can be opened with a hinge. However, the term was later also used for boxes with a domed lid.

balance in design

Balance in design is about the distribution of elements - a balance is created. Balance is a visual interpretation of gravity in design and can be created by the arrangement of the individual design elements.  There are three types of balance in design:


symmetrical equilibrium/balance
asymmetrical balance
mismatched or out of balance


The symmetrical balance - the symmetrical equilibrium: 

A symmetrical balance is achieved by an even arrangement of the elements. The design must be balanced. Symmetrical balance and equilibrium are also achieved through a centered design. Symmetry creates a feeling of order, control and serenity.

The asymmetrical balance:

With an asymmetrical balance, elements cannot be mirrored - an uneven distribution of elements brings dynamism and tension to the design. An asymmetrical balance can be compensated for with colors and shapes.


A baluster is a vertical bar that serves as a support for a handrail, especially on a staircase. It can be made of wood, stone or metal and is often ornately carved or otherwise decorated. A baluster can also be called a newel or newel box. The term comes from the Italian word for balcony, balaustra. Early balusters were simple pieces of wood or stone that were pressed against the railing of a staircase. Over time, they became more elaborate with carvings and other decorations.

user guidance

System of different indications in form, color and graphics to simplify the operation of a product. Intelligent user guidance is based on findings from the psychology of perception, user observations, their evaluation and derived findings. Good user guidance improves ease of use and safety when handling a product.

Bionics (also biomimicry, biomimetics or biomimesis)

More and more architects and designers  are trying to model themselves on the forms and functions of nature. In nature, the best and strongest are superior, it is a quest for the optimum. It consists of optimized structures and processes from which humans/designers can learn. Bionics is concerned with transferring the phenomena of nature to technology. It attempts to understand the concept of an existing form and to implement it. A well-known example of this is Leonardo da Vinci's idea of developing a flying machine based on the flight of birds. Bionics is guided by processes, constructions and development systems of biological systems. Designers thus try to develop intelligent surfaces and products whose materials, energy and consumption are optimized as far as possible.

Biophilic Design

The positive properties of nature are used. The natural environment and the positive properties of nature are in the foreground and improve well-being. These  positive effects have been proven. Imitating nature has a positive effect on health and well-being. The flowing transitions are inspired by  textures from nature. Inspiration from nature in the look and feel is common in biophilic design.

Brand Design

The brand design creates a connection between the corporate design, the customers and the competition. Brand design is responsible for evoking a positive mood, associations and emotions. The concept plays a major role during the branding process. A connection is made with the company's identifying mark and adapts to the individual target group. In some cases, it is even the case that the corporate design is also the brand design.


Synonym for „Marke“ in German. Branding derives from the English „make a branding“ and indicates the transfer from brand to product. The use of „Branding“ in design is mostly graphic logo placement on products in comparison with the specific company CI guidelines. Moreover branding is establishment and further brand evolution.


The BraunPrize has existed since 1968 and is an international competition. This design award from Germany promotes the importance of industrial design and young designers. It promotes young designers from all over the world, as well as design teams and schools. It is intended to help build an appreciation for product design and establish contacts between designers and customers (industry). The Braun brand, from the company Procter & Gamble, organizes and supports the BraunPrize, hence the name.

CAD (computer aided design)

Computer-aided design (CAD) is the computer-aided creation of 3D models. Computer-aided design can reproduce steps from concept development to handover to the production department directly on the computer. In 2D, or also in 3D. CAD programs are used in a wide variety of sectors and industries. For example, in the automotive industry, architecture, aerospace, mechanical engineering and even in medium-sized companies, CAD software programs are used for design and technical drawings. Well-known CAD programs include Rhinoceros, SolidWorks, Alias and Creo.

Rhinoceros: Suitable for creating curves, surfaces and solids, also ideal for product designers for quick 3D sketching.

SolidWorks: The SolidWorks program is used to create parametric models, assemblies and drawings, which is good for engineers and product designers.

Alias: This is a CAD program for creating sketches, concept modeling and surface design.

Creo: Creo is used to create parametric models, and the program also ensures compliance with various industry and company-specific standards and manufacturing processes.

Color Material Finish (CMF)

The Color Material Finish describes basic principles of material, color and surface quality. The CMF influences our perception and sensation. The Color Material Finish is responsible for the feel and look, it influences the perception of the product as well as the perceived value for the consumer. Processing with certain materials, such as soft touch or high-tech nano material, can greatly influence the value of the product and add a further purchasing aspect. In product development, these properties are known as CMF - Color Material Finish. The individual surface structure gives the respective product its "value", it could feel valuable, or it could give the impression of being cheap. The surface (look and feel) is important for this. The functional aspects of the product, such as ergonomics or ease of cleaning, also play a role.

The Color Material Finish is integrated into all developments of the product so that the requirements are in line with its use. These CMF points must be communicated before series production so that the design and the product can be produced perfectly.

Consumer Electronics

Consumer electronics is a term for all electrical appliances that are used for entertainment, for everyday life. These electrical goods are also referred to as "brown goods", for example all recording and receiving devices, as well as all playback and reproduction devices. These include hard disk recorders, digital cameras, video cameras, televisions, hi-fi systems, projectors, surround systems, HDTV televisions, smartphones and laptops, etc.

Consumer electronics are making the lives of users/consumers more luxurious and entertaining. The devices with their innovative technologies help consumers to enjoy a more pleasant and beautiful lifestyle. Beautiful design, energy efficiency and future-oriented thinking are at the heart of consumer electronics product development.


Dedon is a material that was developed by the DEDON company. It is an outdoor material, it is washable, easy to clean and very hard-wearing. The material - Dedon can withstand fluctuating temperatures and sunlight. The Dedon fiber is made from small granules that are melted and mixed with certain ingredients to make the fiber durable. The material is pressed into fibers that look like willow, rattan or reed.

Definition of Ready

The Definition of Ready is a list of various criteria that are placed on the product backlog items. The aim is to ensure that they are complete and meet quality standards. The "Ready" status is only confirmed once all the indicators have been met. Only when this hurdle has been cleared can the products take the next step. The product owner is responsible for this and not the development team.


Deconstructivism has been around since the early 1980s - it is an international trend in architecture. Deconstructivist architecture is characterized by a remarkably free, playful and light approach to architectural elements and structures. Rows, regularity and symmetry are alien to the deconstructivist design style. Deconstructivist design often looks as if it is about to collapse, as if it is very unstable and unsafe.


The term design refers to the visual, emotional, functional and haptic development of a product. Good design is oriented towards people and their specific needs. These needs range from physical and psychological needs to the demands of the human mind on the objective environment. Design does not just follow self-imposed rules and intentions, but must above all address the interests of those groups or people for whom the design is intended to serve. As a result, design and the designs are primarily purpose-oriented. In design theory, the concept of functionality was coined for this purpose. Not least because of its purpose orientation, design differs from art. Design is the art of combining function with aesthetics and emotionality.

Design Center

Design Center Stuttgart is the only State-owned design center in all of Germany. Located in „Haus der Wirtschaft“ in the middle of Stuttgart, it‘s the most important part of economic development support in Baden-Württemberg. It provides information and advice about professional design. As part of the promotion of trade and industry, it especially offers small and medium-sized enterprises guidance on current design topics. The Design Center Stuttgart offers companies and creative service providers the ideal platform for making contacts and networking. The cooperation with federations, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Center of Innovations and comparable institutions often plays an important role.


Design DNA

With an overarching product design language and its own signature, a significant positioning of the brand, unity and recognition is achieved. The design DNA also ensures clarity of the product range, differentiation from the competition and an unmistakable appearance of the products.

Design Freeze (freezing the design)

Comes from innovation management and is a phase of the product development process. In a design freeze, the design is "frozen" at a certain stage. This means that all design elements can no longer be exchanged or changed. The color, surface and shape are therefore fixed. The geometry, proportions, functional elements and surfaces must also be fixed and defined at this point. Subsequent changes should be avoided in order to save costs and time and to meet the production start date. If design changes are necessary, these must be documented.


A design freeze includes the following steps:

Checking the form and functions
Determining the production specifications
Coordination with production specifications
Definitive determination of material, surface and colors
Visualizations. This is done, for example, through renderings, sketches, storytelling and technical drawings.
The final CAD design data.
Creation of prototypes (function, ergonomics, design, interaction).


Design in Balance

As with balanced design, balance refers to a state of equilibrium and equilibrium of the various components and styles. The whole creates a harmonious overall picture.

Design Plus

Design Plus is an award from a leading design competition and stands for the design of consumer goods. The products should be more environmentally friendly, more useful and more functional than the previous models. They must also have an attractive design. The product must also not have been on the market for more than 2 years.   Every year, products with technical functions combined with a first-class design are awarded a prize. Design Plus has now become a top seal of quality and a highly coveted award. Participation takes place via the Frankfurt trade fair "Ambiente".

Design Thinking

The in-word 'design thinking' is a creative technique in which you put yourself in the user's shoes and try to think just like the target group. The user's awareness is adopted and felt. The approach is to solve various problems. Design thinking is also used to develop new ideas. Design thinking is often used as a collaboration with the customer, problems are identified and wishes are expressed. It is valuable to apply this thinking model in the field of design management.

design to cost

A special focus of the defortec service is designing concepts for the economic implementation of new products. This special item design-to-cost represents intelligent design, which enables reduced production costs and therefore quick viability of development costs.

Design to Success

Design to Success is an approach for the targeted development of successful products on the market. With the Design to Success method, it is important to keep an eye on costs. Cost-effective solutions are developed, customer benefits are increased, various product variants are planned and risks are taken into account. The holistic Design to Success approach involves several steps. The customer requirements/uses are analyzed, a system analysis for product improvement is developed and optimized product solutions are implemented.

design office

A design office or design agency is a service company that specializes in the development of corporate design (independent appearance), brand development, packaging design, product design (form/structure/function) or user interface design. Design agencies work on development contracts as partners of the client's internal departments.

Design development

Shaping an emotional and individual product with brand specific but unique identities is one of the core missions of successful design developments. The products of our clients have a clear design idiom and a high factor of recognition.

Design Act

The Design Act is a law on the legal protection of design. The Design Act replaced the "Designs Act" in 2013. This created a legal basis for protecting the shape of products. Designs are thus defined and specifically protected nationwide. This protects a registered, new design with an individual character. The Design Act contains clear criminal sanctions for product pirates. The law is supplemented by the Design Ordinance.

Design concept

An important step in the development process in which product visions are created, logical shapes and functional concepts are made and through design the product emotions are generated. Clear, unique and future-oriented structures, which connect the shape, the material and the function, give the product its future and individual character. Those innovative design concepts are worked out in detail, verified with previous variants, clearly structured and afterwards entirely developed in close dialogue with the client.


design awards

Competitions that evaluate the design quality of the products submitted. For these evaluations, expert juries are put together to view the submissions and award prizes to outstanding products. These awards can be used in the form of logos for product marketing purposes. Nowadays, design awards are mostly paid for.


The design element "discreet" is an aesthetic term for an unobtrusive and distinctive form of design. The adjective discreet expresses a subtle and strikingly restrained product design.


The dimension designates a space. The term dimension refers to the physical quantity and to space-time. The term dimension makes us aware of the range between the actions of   people, their areas of life and the future.


The German Congress of Brand- and Design is an important international congress in the design industry and is organized by the German Design Council.

consistent design

A consistent design refers to a product line or product range, but not to the company's corporate design. The consistent design is memorable and is consistently aesthetic as well as functional.

dynamic design

The word dynamic comes from the Greek dynamike = powerful. Dynamic is a characterization of objects, spaces and people. A dynamic design radiates power. Dynamic is also commonly used to mean moving, lively and powerful. Organically curved lines characterize a dynamic object. Dynamic design is often used in the automotive industry.

registered design

A registered design is an industrial property right that protects products with a new design. This protects the visual characteristic in its uniqueness and aesthetic appearance (such as color/shape and form). It must of course be a novelty and have an individual character, otherwise it cannot be verified by the German Patent and Trademark Office during the registration procedure. Designs can be registered nationwide, Eu-wide and internationally. IP (Intellectual property) rights are usually applied for in the company's most important markets.

emotional design

Emotional design is a thinking model in which personal perception plays an important role. There are three levels of perception:  Visceral Design, Behavioral Design and Reflective Design. In emotional design, the most important thing is to know your target group and to realize this knowledge in design and creation. It takes place on the cognitive level of perception. Nowadays, it is very important for product design to take into account the subjective perception processes of the target group/customers, because every positive differentiation is important due to the large oversupply of products. This applies above all to physical products and their feel. The focus is on positive emotions, which should be triggered in the target group.

design process

The design process results from a task for a product or object to be developed. The result of the design process should be a description of the product to be developed and the corresponding requirements for its realization. In the early phase of the design process, 3D CAD models are used, for example.


Human factors and ergonomics (HF&E) aka comfort design, functional design, and user-friendly systems, is a multidisciplinary field incorporating contributions from psychology, engineering, biomechanics, mechanobiology, industrial design, physiology and anthropometry. In essence it is the study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body and its cognitive abilities. The two terms "human factors" and "ergonomics" are essentially synonymous.
Human factors and ergonomics is concerned with the "fit" between the user, equipment and their environments. It takes account of the user's capabilities and limitations in seeking to ensure that tasks, functions, information and the environment suit each user.

color climate

A color climate is a color palette that conveys a certain mood or atmosphere. The colors can be combined harmoniously to create a calm or relaxing effect. There is a range of coordinated colors to achieve a distinctive look.

Choosing the right colors for your color scheme is crucial to the effect you want to achieve. The colors can also be varied in different tones and shades. For example, you can create a color climate with bright, bold colors, or you can create a calm and gentle climate by choosing pastel or even monochrome colors. The subjective temperature perception of rooms with a warm or cold color palette can vary by up to seven degrees Celsius.

flat design

The origin of flat design lies in interface design; it is a graphically minimalist design style. Flat design is mainly used for software and websites. It creates an effect-free, unadorned and sleek design. Flat design is therefore the complete opposite of skeuomorphism. The two-dimensional design style looks modern and fresh. Information can be read quickly and the overview is fast. Shadows, color gradients and light sources are omitted from the design. Flat design works with high contrasts, a very accurate presentation, minimalism and consistent use of space.

Focus Open

International design award Baden-Württemberg, which is yearly organized by the Designcenter Stuttgart. It‘s subsidized by the government and therefore not focused on commercial aspects. In effect it is an opportunity for very small companies to participate. The award „Focus Gold“, „Focus Silver“ and „Focus Special Mention“ has strong influence on the strength of the brand, on the market as well as among the awarded companies and agencies.


form follows emotion

With form follows emotion, an emotional factor is built up. Products should create an emotional bond with the user over and above their functional benefits. People mainly buy products that appeal to them emotionally and trigger emotions. Emotions are influenced by the shape, materials and surface. Emotional needs must not be ignored, as they are often just as important as function.

form follows function

Form follows function means "form follows function" and is a design principle from the design industry and architecture. The origin of "form follows function" comes from the American architect Luis Suillivan (father of skyscrapers). The design principle is mainly used in architecture and product design. FFF first appeared in the 19th century. In principle, the form of things should be derived from the function, i.e. the design must be subordinate. The design principle was applied in Germany by the Bauhaus style.

language of form

The language of form is a word for stylistic elements. The formal language is expressed through the arrangement of shapes, objects and elements. Things are emphasized or toned down through a certain formal language. Objects thus appear minimalist, demanding or strikingly aggressive. The design vocabulary is therefore the effect radiated by a product, object, building or work of art.


In functionalism, the focus is not on the design, but on the specific function of the object. The design therefore results from the functionality of the object. This function can result from a technical or practical point of view. Functionalism reached its peak after the Second World War until the end of the 1970s. The focus is always on the intended use and not the aesthetic form. The design is usually sober, functional and straightforward. The technical, functional aspects are emphasized over the (aesthetic) form.

equal joining principle

The principle of equal joining is a principle whereby the parts are joined together in the same way. The parts do not have to have identical dimensions or the same geometry, it is sufficient if they connect to each other according to the "plug and play" principle. As with Lego bricks, for example, various bricks/products can be connected to each other as they have the same interconnection system. This means that many product variants can be put together and extensive components can be produced.

Graphical User Interface - GUI

In computing, a graphical user interface (GUI) is a type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation. GUIs were introduced in reaction to the perceived steep learning curve of command-line interfaces which require commands to be typed on the keyboard.

The actions in a GUI are usually performed through direct manipulation of the graphical elements. As well as computers, GUIs can be found in hand-held devices such as MP3 players, portable media players, gaming devices and smaller household, office and industry equipment.

good form

The term "good form" is used to characterize a design. It has often been associated with functionalism. A "good form" can express safety, ergonomics, practicality, usefulness, economy and durability. The term "good form" comes from a book of the same name by Max Bills (1957).


Feeling (touch), i.e. haptics, plays a major role in product design. Haptics awaken emotional stimuli. For example, smooth surfaces often appear cold and rough surfaces send a hurtful signal. Haptics is a very important aspect; surfaces and packaging should feel pleasant and  familiar to people. Therefore, the visual, acoustic and haptic perception must be in harmony in a successful product design. Haptic design is a complex of different haptic judgment processes. The tactile properties of a product appeal to the senses of customers and the target group.

Hightech - High technology, cutting-edge technology

High-tech is an artificial word derived from the English words high style and technology. Translated into German, it means high technology. The term describes a trend in design and architecture in the 1980s. Technology is presented openly and effectively. The latest techniques and modern methods are used. The opposite of the term high-tech is basic technology (low-tech).

Human machine interface - HMI

The abbreviation „Human Machine Interface“ can be translated into German with „Benutzerschnittstelle“ and can be also called „Man-Machine-Interface“ (MMI). The HMI allows the user to operate a machine, to define process parameters and to observe machine conditions and processes. Modern HIM systems run on software, which enable an intuitive interaction. Also check „User interface“.


Human-Centered Design

Human-centered design focuses on people by incorporating all human aspects and observations. The aim is to create an interface or a complex digital application that is as user-friendly as possible. Human-centered design aims to minimize questions, solve problems and make the overall experience with the system satisfactory for the user. Ultimately, it serves to complete tasks as  effectively and efficiently as possible.

Ideation = finding ideas

Ideation follows a detailed and comprehensive research phase in the design process. Ideation often leads to innovative suggestions, solutions and new creative approaches. The exchange of ideas requires teamwork and various creative techniques are used, such as brainstorming, mind mapping and visualization techniques such as storyboards.

identification features

The identification features are the characteristics that identify the design - these are also known as the signature element. The identification feature serves to make the product unmistakable; the level of detail, the form, the function and the material, for example, are important here. It is the design features that are used for identification.

iF product design award

An important international design award, which is organized once a year by the iF International Forum Design GmbH. Since the first time 1954 the award has expanded into a series of six awards with different disciplines. So there are further awards beside the classical iF product design award, the iF communication design award, iF design award China, iF material award, iF brand award and the iF concept award. In the year 2002 almost 5000 submitted their work in the category communication-, industrial- and product design.


imitation (lat. imitatio = replica)

An imitation is a poor, extensive replica of an object/original product. The imitation takes the advantages of the genuine product, for example a reputable brand, advertising for the product, etc. If the aim of the imitation is to confuse the original product, it is a criminal offense. In design, the term imitation is often used in arts and crafts and furniture. In the case of imitation art objects, it is often the case that inferior materials are used or even industrial mass production takes place. There is also an imitation strategy, which occurs as soon as a new product comes onto the market and other manufacturers adopt this product idea. These are known as "me-too products".

Industrial Design

Industrial design or product design is focused on concepts for industrially produced products. It‘s mainly divided into two sections: a) the designing of consumption goods and b) the designing of capital goods. Consumption goods are furniture, sanitary products, and electronic products, while capital goods involve design development from product plants and medicine and laboratory equipment. It‘s concentrated on products for professional users. On these projects the designer works often in interdisciplinary teams. Its responsibilities are structure studies, brand development, optimization of the function while taking into account the needs of the target group. A designer is an creator for series-produced products and not an artist who is creating a single item.



Innovation means (lat. innovatio)  "novelty". Innovation is therefore a "renewal" of a product in order to bring it up to date, introduce new technologies and stabilize and establish new ideas. For many companies, innovation means that products are given a different shape, color and new functions. An innovation is, so to speak, a step in the development of a product; the properties are improved, changed or even newly added. There are different types of innovation: material, formal and technical. The term innovation is often used far too generally; not every renewal of a product is an innovation. An innovation is therefore a change to "something new".

Interaction Design

Interaction design is about the intelligent design between man and machine. This interaction between man and machine includes, for example, the touchpoints that a user experiences with a product. As well as their expectations and physiological and psychological reactions. Efficient interaction design offers numerous possibilities, innovations and digital networking, such as in smart homes, which make life easier for the user.


Interface design is the design of interfaces to facilitate interaction between man and machine. Making it easier to use the functions is made possible by a good graphical representation  of the visual information. Design trends such as UX design are combined with proven usability standards and technical requirements. Interface design should enable several users to work together optimally and combine different needs. The fields of work of interface designers are software design, usability research, but also web design and product design. User interfaces are designed and interaction with the user interface takes place. Audiovisual design elements are also used.
Interface design is increasingly being differentiated into UX (user experience) and UI (user interface, GUI or HMI) design.

capital goods + design

From the perspective of economics, capital goods are durable economic goods that are purchased by companies for the production and processing of goods and are classified as fixed assets for accounting purposes. The design and development of capital goods deals with the upgrading, optimization and emotionalization of production facilities and other production aids such as testing equipment and tools. Find out more about capital goods design and its fundamental quality criteria of functionality, economy and aesthetics.


An iterative design is a repetitive process that is intended to improve the product or prototype. The prototype is optimized through continuous refinement and improvement. These improvements are tracked and implemented step by step in an iterative design. By analyzing feedback from users, the usability is adapted and gradually improved in order to create an efficient and smart interaction between product and users.

japanese reduction

The design of Japanese reduction is characterized by a simple and reduced design. As in Japanese culture - functional, modest and with a poetic streak. Contentment and prudence are part of the Japanese way of life - less is more, it is reduced to the essentials and natural and authentic materials are used. Everything is harmoniously combined with each other, structured and clear forms are also part of Asian design.

small series

A small series is a product that is only produced in a small edition. The edition of a small series is between three and approx. one hundred copies. The high-quality products are not mass-produced, but are manufactured to a high standard. The small series expresses a certain exclusivity. This usually involves furniture and works of art. Thus, the small series is a serial production of a small number of products, in contrast to a mass production or a unique item. The limited edition, on the other hand, has a much higher circulation than the small series. The small series is often used as a kind of "trial run" to test the acceptance and acceptance of a product on the market. The technology is also tried and tested in this way. Protects against failures on the market and financial losses.
Some capital goods are manufactured exclusively in small series.

Complexity (lat. complexum, to summarize)

Is the behavior of a system in which all components interact with each other in a coordinated manner. It is a network with different system elements and is understood as a kind of variety of behavioral possibilities of the elements. In design, a complex form is the opposite of a simple, plain form. The complex structure is often hidden behind a plain and simple "housing/outer form". The context of a multi-layered structure is often not easy to understand for many people.

concave and convex - surfaces

The words concave and covex are derived from Latin and mean "concavus" = hollowed out and "convexus" = curved. The terms describe the surface of the body in three-dimensional space. In design and mathematics, concave refers to lines and surfaces that curve inwards, like an indentation. These could be recessed grips, for example. The convex shape, on the other hand, curves outwards - it is the opposite of concave.

design process

Nowadays, the design process is becoming increasingly complex. This is due to the challenge of developing products and objects faster, more efficiently and more flexibly. The design process often refers to design and development. During the analysis for technical solutions or products, central decisions are made about economic and technical details. The result of the design process, such as the geometric and technological characteristics of the product, is documented using technical drawings, lists and product models. There are four phases in the design process:

  • The task specification
  • The concept phase
  • The design phase
  • The elaboration phase

The term Design for manufacturing - short DFM is often used for the final elaboration and detail design.


Constructivism is a stylistic term that originated in Russia. This strictly non-objective concept of modernism emerged in the first half of the 20th century. The restriction of harmony to geometric forms. Constructivism was formative for functional aesthetics in design - simple geometric shapes and subtle colors dominate the design direction. Interdisciplinary endeavors, the decorative arts and architecture are also decisive. Constructivism is also used in civil engineering. The rise of constructivism also intensified during the October Revolution.

consumer goods design

In consumer goods design, the product must stand out from all others in order to be noticed. The designers of an agency  create products for personal and everyday use that are discovered with all the senses. High-quality materials for a pleasant feel, original yet practical shapes, easy and intuitive usability ensure an outstanding overall impression. In B2C in particular, the products simply have to stand out from the competition thanks to their consumer goods design in order to be perceived as a better choice. High functionality paired with ergonomics, design, weight, corporate design of the brand and tones/sound are therefore indispensable for the development of B2C articles for daily use as well as luxury articles.

Whether sanitary objects, kitchen products, electrical items, kitchen gadgets or garden accessories, specialized design offices and agencies such as defortec develop the products to suit the target group. Continuous further training and future-oriented work provide security and competence to ensure that even as a designer for consumer goods you are always at the cutting edge. Experienced agencies pay attention to safety, emotional appeal, fine materials, high-quality workmanship and the harmony of colors and shapes. Functionality, improvements and an emotionally appealing added value always round off the development of well thought-out consumer goods.


In design, contrast is created by combining several elements with different properties. With a targeted contrast, you can communicate something visually or design it more efficiently - by emphasizing objects or elements with colors such as black and white, for example, or properties such as glossy and matt, something can be highlighted and the product can be designed more intuitively. Geometric shapes also make it easier for users to separate information and make the design appear clearer.

cubic design

The word cubic is synonymous with cube-shaped. The name comes from cubus (Latin cubus = cube). This geometric body with six equal sides is a hexahedron. A cubic shape is a shape that has the perfect ratio of sides and areas and also shapes that are approximately cubic. This means that the shape is more or less cuboid/cube-shaped.

Laboratory technology design

The design and development of medical devices and laboratory technology design in general must naturally meet the highest requirements in terms of surfaces, hygiene and EMC. Experienced development offices for product design and complex capital goods provide innovative solutions for demanding suppliers of medical and laboratory technology - read more.

Less is More

The Less is More design comes from a German-American architect named Mies van der Rohe. The architect was Bauhaus director for some time and turned the design of building into plain and simple forms. No ornamentation or decorative design elements - he was concerned with reducing things to the essential and important. Nowadays, the design motto "less is more" is often popular with designers, who focus on the essential and important things of the product so that they can be perfectly integrated into everyday life. The important thing here is intuitive usability; the products should radiate simplicity and calm. The focus is on a reduction to the essential aspects so that handling and operability are easy.

mechanical engineering / machine engineering

Mechanical engineering is a classic branch of industry and a classic engineering discipline. This field includes the development, design and production of machines. As a branch of industry, mechanical engineering emerged from the craft of metalworking by blacksmiths and locksmiths, and as an engineering discipline according to modern understanding through systematic scientific reference to classical physics, in particular classical mechanics.

Machine design

Machine design is concerned with the design of production facilities. Its duties include the form-finding, the brand development and optimization of function under special consideration of the needs of a target group.

Durable economic goods that are purchased by companies for creating and editing of goods and bookkeeping allocated to fixed assets are illuminated and developed under a design view. This includes the upgrading, optimization and emotional appeal of production and other production tools such as test equipment and tools.

material appropriate

A material-compatible design is a design that combines form and material. A material-appropriate design is therefore a product design that fulfills the material used without wasteful energy consumption, material consumption or loss of quality.

Minimal Art

The design and art of minimal art is characterized by industrial materials, elementary forms and serial arrangements. Minimal art is based on certain areas of constructivism and concrete art. In design, for example, minimalist influences are noticeable within so-called minimalism.


Minimalism can be found in many areas, including art, culture and design. It involves the simplification of things. The focus is on uniform aesthetics and functionality. Minimalism became popular in the 60s and 70s in the USA as Minimal Art. In design, a reduction of colors and shapes is of minimalist character. Geometric primary forms are used, the orientation is functional, rational and cool. In architecture, a smooth surface design is used. Materials such as natural stone, glass, concrete and steel are very popular. Modern building forms often consist of simple geometric shapes and therefore look very plain. Superfluous elements are simply omitted, giving the minimalist design a very clear appearance. The architect and designer Philippe Starck or the designer Dieter Rams are one of the well-known minimalist representatives.


A mood board is a working tool for creative minds. It is used to visualize ideas and moods. Examples are collected for a better presentation of the project/product. With a  mood board, characteristics and impressions for the respective project can be recorded in the team. A mood board is populated with added images, colors and moods to develop a concept or ideas.

Motion Design

Motion design is a design technique that combines audiovisual design and modern technologies. Motion design helps customers to understand and comprehend content more quickly through graphics, videos and text. The animated videos of motion design combine auditory and visual stimuli, releasing emotions and creating a relationship with the product, branding and brand. The design discipline of motion design is often used in trailers or tutorial videos and in movie previews. A connection is created between the customer (audience) and the product. The videos are created using typography, moving images and graphic design.

Motion graphic design

Motion graphic design combines graphic media and motion media. It combines the disciplines of animation, film and sound with graphic media such as graphic design, illustration, photography and painting. In motion graphic design, for example, a text or an element is brought to life by CGI and comes into motion. The best-known motion design program is After Effects. Animation brings the object to life, achieving a visually beautiful result, but without a storytelling background. This is used to create moving logos, branding, credits or movie introductions. Motion graphic design is also often used for employee training or explanatory videos.

MultiJet-Modeling (MJM)

The flexible manufacturing process in the field of prototype construction (also known as rapid prototyping) can be used individually. MultiJet modeling, also known as MultiJet printing or PolyJet printing, is a printing process in which a photopolymer plastic is applied to a platform using several nozzles. The plastic is immediately cured by a corresponding light mold. The CAD data is thus immediately formed into workpieces.

Multi-sensory branding

Multi-sensory branding is an exploration of the sensory channels that could be addressed by a brand. The sensory characteristics of the brand are addressed, creating a clear recognition value. The multi-sensory brand personality is used as a kind of key for emotional and sensory consumer loyalty. The sensory characteristics and features are perfectly matched to the brand.

Nature Inspired Design

Nature-inspired design is when nature becomes the model and the design is modeled on nature. The aim is to create a natural overall impression and thus increase well-being. Materials are used that appeal to and touch our senses and perception. (Bionic design)

New modesty,

New modesty, the "New Simplicity"  is a term that has been used to describe a range of social behaviors and trends. "Back to basic" is the design philosophy here. In general, it refers to a reduction in the display of wealth and status and an increased focus on emphatically simple aesthetics.

There are a number of factors that have been blamed for the rise of the new modesty. One of these is the global economic recession, which has caused many people to rethink their priorities and focus on what is really important to them. Another reason is the increased awareness of environmental and social issues, which has made people more conscious of their impact on the world around them. Experimental or minimalist design and the processing of found materials into ready-mades are characteristic elements of this style that is developing from the new design.

new German design

In the 1980s, the new German design was a counter-current to functionalism. The autonomous design movement that emerged was characterized by protagonists such as H. Bartels, H. Fischer, A. Heine, H. Hullmann, W. Laubersheimer, H. Waldenburg and F. Schreiner. The new German design was characterized by the combination of unusual materials such as raw iron, stone, steel, concrete and rubber. The materials were shaped into striking forms, creating unique pieces. The new German design was provocative, wild and rebellious. However, the design did not catch on; there are exhibitions on the subject of design made in Germany and new German design.

Neuromarketing or Neuroeconomics

Neuromarketing is primarily concerned with how purchasing decisions are formed in the brain. The definition of neuromarketing is "the use of the diverse findings of brain research for marketing." It is important to incorporate the results of brain research into marketing and products. It has been proven that the majority of purchasing decisions are the result of subconscious processes. This makes it a rational and conscious action.


The word neutralistic defines things that are represented realistically in the design. Technically, as well as visually, the design should be deceptively real, very detailed and externally correct. The word neutralistic comes from the main term neutralism, which is a trend in art and literature.


The term No-Design was coined by Jasper Morrison (product designer) in the 1980s. No-design products are the result of a product design that makes only scant reference to the external design. Banal design is an example of this. Practical and inconspicuous objects serve as models. They are usually familiar and indispensable products with a minimalist design. Take "Chair" by Jasper Morrison, for example.

surface design

Surface design is very important nowadays, although "superficial" generally has a bad reputation. However, surface design plays a major role in design. The surfaces of products are very important and also decisive. The surface design of a product reflects the first impression and is regarded as the interface between the user and the product.

What features characterize a surface?

  • Haptics
  • materiality
  • contour
  • color
  • texture

Surface technology and surface definition

The visible surfaces of a product are defined in a standard system and data on surface quality is created. The material is adapted in a manufacturing process. Surface technology is a technology that changes the surface properties. The properties are changed and adapted (shape, strength, weight and price). The material properties are changed as required and adapted accordingly for the product. There are special process technologies and surface technologies to change the material properties accordingly.

eco-control label

The eco-control label is an eco-label awarded to products and services that meet the strict criteria of the Ecolabel Ordinance. The seal is awarded by the independent, non-profit organization ÖkoControl e.V.. It serves as a guide for consumers who are interested in environmentally friendly products and services. The ÖkoControl seal is only awarded to products and services that meet the requirements of the Ecolabel Regulation. Products and services bearing the seal are manufactured in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving manner. The health of people and the environment is protected during production and use. The products and services are also recyclable and designed in such a way that their use minimizes the impact on the environment.


Ecodesign is concerned with the environmental compatibility of its products. The products are systematically developed so that the new design reduces the environmental impact. The product is developed sustainably. Ecodesign is thought through from production, human health and product use through to product disposal. All effects are recognized and taken into account during production. The products should be manufactured in an environmentally friendly, energy-saving and low-pollutant manner. Furthermore, the products should be produced from environmentally friendly components/materials. Disposal is also taken into account in eco-design, including a residue-free recycling process. The products are thought through from start to finish, and the normal requirements such as safety, ergonomics, functionality and design are supplemented by environmental friendliness. To increase public awareness of eco-design, the Federal Ministry has launched a federal prize, the Ecopreis. The competition is open to all designers, industries and company sizes, as well as students. It is important to reduce the environmental impact, save energy and raw materials and optimize durability.


The outline is an outline of an object, but it can also be a silhouette or a kind of sketch in line form. The outline is used for explanatory purposes, such as an instruction manual or a functional illustration.

requirements specification

The requirements specification is a detailed and binding description of the project services. It states exactly which requirements are to be implemented and also which exact processes are to be fulfilled. The specification should include the objectives, the data, the services, the functions, the quality, the user interface and the use of the product. Furthermore, requirements must be defined by laws and standards. Development normally only begins after the requirements specification has been approved.


A pictograph (pictogram) is a graphic symbol that is intended to illustrate information clearly. Pictograms are simply designed symbols with few colors to create a better contrast. It should be possible to recognize the information on the pictogram from a distance. Pictograms are often used in public areas such as airports, etc. It is important that the pictograms are internationally understandable. The small graphic instructions, operating elements  and signs as an orientation system should therefore be understandable across cultures.

Product design

Product design is a tool for corporate development strategy and product innovation. There are many aspects behind a qualitative product design. With the features of functionality, the latest technology, a strong design and a first-class user interface, a new product is designed or an existing product is optimized. Customer requirements, feasibility and costs are of the utmost importance in product design. The unique and individual design makes the product stand out and is perceived by the target group. For this reason, the design strategy plays an important role. The distinctiveness of the product design promotes a new product image. Good product and machine design makes the company more successful - design to success.


Proportions are very important for the design. Great importance is attached to the relationship between large and small elements and the lines that are created. The "golden ratio" is the standard for proportions, it should appear harmonious, is often found in nature and is also calculable. This proportion is part of a balance. In modern product design, proportions are often minimalist.


The prototype is an initial version or working model of a new product before it goes into series production. It is the first ready-to-use copy of the product. The preliminary copy is used for practical testing and not yet for sale to the end customer.

The prototype can be used to identify errors, weak points and functions that can be expanded and improved accordingly. The prototype is used to test the feasibility of the product or invention and is a key stage in the development of a new product.


Purism is a minimalist and appealing design. It is absolutely timeless, as well as simple and elegant in its visual effect. This interesting style is often equated with "simplicity", the structures are clear and strictly recognizable. It is a classic design language with geometric approaches. Sharp lines, untreated materials, few materials and a uniform color scheme. Black, white and shades of gray are used extensively in purism, but natural tones such as beige and shades are also used in the purist style. Purism is characterized by structure, timelessness and substance.

Qualtity (lat. Qualitas)

The quality of a product is a characteristic, a property or even a state. Objects, products or processes are described; this can be interpreted subjectively or objectively. Quality is a requirement for the product - it should meet certain demands and requirements.
In design, quality is also a degree of innovation.  Quality depends on functionality, design, durability, ergonomics and layout. Technical quality is a kind of measure of the functionality, comprehensibility, safety and reliability of the product.

Radial symmetry

Radial symmetry is a variation of symmetrical  equilibrium. The elements are arranged uniformly around a center point - figuratively speaking, like the spokes of a bicycle. Radial symmetry has a decisive center of gravity. In nature, we repeatedly encounter examples of radial symmetry, for example in flower petals, dandelion seeds, jellyfish, etc. If a shape is three-dimensional, radial symmetry is also called spherical symmetry.

Radical Design

Radical Design is the name given to a movement in Italian design. This trend emerged in the 1960s, with various protests and social changes forming the basis for Radical Design. Design principles were adopted from Pop Art and the artistic and decorative points gained in importance.

German Design Coucil

The German Design Council is one of the leading international competence centers for design. As a service provider for industry, it offers a unique forum for the cross-industry transfer of knowledge of brand and design expertise. The German Design Council celebrated its 60th birthday in 2013. Its foundation was preceded by a resolution of the first German Bundestag, which called for the establishment of such a body to ensure the competitiveness of German industry and the best possible quality of German products


The word RE design refers to a revision of a design. This means that the old design is redesigned. The re-design takes place preferably with car manufacturers, the styling of a car type is revised. A re-design now exists in many respects, for websites, products, corporate design, etc. The product is adapted to new technologies and market developments.

Recycling Design Award

The Recycling Design Award is a competition to design new products from residual materials and waste. It is looking for innovations and upcycling ideas. The competition is sustainable, original and visionary - making something new with waste, a very nice idea for our environment and society. The Recycling Design Award has existed since 2007 and is organized by the Herforder Arbeitskreis Recycling e.V.. Initially a national competition, it is now internationally renowned. Prizes are awarded for work made from used materials  - turning old into new! Various criteria are taken into account, such as design quality, utility value, practicability, environmental compatibility and future potential.


Recycling design is a design made from old components, such as old glass, waste wood, PVC, cardboard and other recycled materials. This UP recycling extends the lifespan of fabrics and materials - making new and usable things out of old. Whether it's shelves made from drawers or lamps made from vinyl records, sustainability is a given and it's good for our environment. Furniture and accessories are designed from old materials and bags and rucksacks are made from truck tarpaulins, for example - the use of old materials is recycling design. Furniture and houses are made from pallets.

red dot design award

The Red Dot Design Award is an international design competition, announced by the Design Center Nordrhein-Westfalen, since 1954. The accolade, the “Red Dot”, is an internationally recognised quality label for excellent design. The best products are highlighted with the Red Dot: Best of the Best.


The reedition is an attempt to reproduce the original as closely as possible. Re-editions are therefore approved optimizations of the original based on the original designs and plans. An accurate reproduction of the original is essential for a reedition. It can also happen that an approved optimization of the original design is produced after some time.


The roadmap serves as a project plan and as a communication medium. The plan helps to keep an eye on and control the individual steps in project management. The timeline for production and the implementation of product development are monitored with the roadmap and the strategic steps are recorded. The "map" is also used to record future projects, steps and product developments in a simplified manner.


Robotics is an interdisciplinary field that deals with the development, construction and programming of robots (robotics design). Robots are primarily specially developed machines that can perform various tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously, often involving repetitive, dangerous or complex work. They play a crucial role in many sectors, including industry, medicine, agriculture and even the private sector. Robots have become indispensable in the manufacturing industry in particular, as they can speed up essential processes and production and make it more precise.

Requirements for designers

Robotics is becoming increasingly important in the world of design, as the design of robots must not only take functional aspects into account, but also ergonomic, aesthetic and safety-related requirements. Particularly in mechanical engineering and product design, robot solutions must be developed in such a way that they are efficient, durable and user-friendly. Both the external design and the internal structure and mechanics play a role here.

Modern robots are often equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) to recognize their environment and make decisions in real time. This expands the range of applications enormously, from simple production line robots to collaborative robots (cobots) that work safely with humans.

Robotics design at defortec

For development offices and agencies such as defortec, robotics design is a key issue when it comes to creating innovative and future-proof solutions for a wide range of applications. Precise planning and implementation in the design process ensures that the technology can be seamlessly integrated into various industrial and commercial contexts.

self-explanatory design

A self-explanatory design is when no explanation is necessary. The design/product speaks for itself and no explanation is necessary. The design is so intuitive that the intended use and operation can be deduced. Functionally, as well as aesthetically, the design is self-explanatory.

Selective laser sintering (SLS)

Selective laser sintering is mainly used for prototype construction. It is used for the rapid production of samples or models. It is one of the additive manufacturing processes - spatial structures are produced by sintering with the laser. It is a generative layering process, the pattern is produced layer by layer. Three-dimensional geometries are created that cannot be produced using conventional manufacturing methods (mechanical/casting). At the moment, selective laser sintering is used exclusively for prototypes, but the technology will also be used for rapid manufacturing/tooling processes in the future.

Service Design

Service design has clear intentions - to plan and develop the design of services with the customer in mind. Providers, customers and employees are involved in the planning process. This area of design is carried out in close cooperation with the company so that the service can be developed in line with market requirements. Important points here include:  "Integrative service", the holistic approach and the needs of the user. The interaction of products, processes and technologies must interlock and be unified. The working methods of design thinking, prototyping, interviewing and iterative work are used for this. This is how outstanding services and products are developed for the company.


Signets often consist of geometric shapes and visual symbols and are used for advertising purposes. The purpose of a signet is to increase the recognition value of a product or brand. The signet is a type of identification for events, products, companies and brands. Coats of arms can also be signets.


Simplexity is a neologism made up of two contrasting terms, namely  "simplicity" for simplicity and "complexity" for complexity. Simplexity is used in various areas such as design, marketing, trend research and mathematics. In design, simplexity combines the harmony of everyday complexity and the requirements of personal satisfaction. Simple means are used to get to the heart of the design and the applications and superfluous elements are dispensed with. Personalities such as Peter Wippermann, Norbert Bolz and Ora-ito have coined the term.

Skeuomorphic Design

Skeuomorphic design imitates a natural design. For example, various natural textures such as leather and wood are used in web design for icons, switches and other objects. Skeuomorphic design imitates the physical movement of the real world and material surfaces. The shape and material of familiar objects are imitated in skeuomorphic design to create realistic images.

Socio Cultural

For a successful innovation, it is important that the socio-cultural background of the focus group is examined in order to understand all concerns, wishes and dreams. The sociocultural field consists of three categories: society, system and culture. Thus, a sociocultural system is human citizens viewed in their ecological context and as one of the many subsystems of a larger ecosystem.

Speculative Design

Speculative design is an experimental, research-oriented and innovative design approach. It goes back to the British designers Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby. The experimental current includes the potential of new technologies, deals with questions about the future and encourages discussion and food for thought. The inventive design approach is already being used in everyday life by designers, developers and companies.

Stereolithography (STL/ SLA)

The process of stereolithography (STL or SLA) is a computer-aided process in the field of rapid prototyping, or rapid manufacturing. Stereolithography is often used to produce prototypes. The great advantage here is the rapid production of casting templates, prototypes and industrial samples. A light-curing plastic (photopolymer) is used, which is polymerized with the help of laser radiation. The plastic is transformed from a liquid state into a hard state. The data from a CAD model is also used here.


The word style is the expression of personality. Style includes characteristic features of colors, shapes, patterns and means of expression that recur again and again. It is an individual expression and representation of eras, buildings, products and clothes. Sitl expresses a certain kind of personality, using various stylistic devices. This creates a characteristic and distinctive appearance. Style is a typical way of designing music, works of art, products and much more.

style mix

A style mix is a combination of different style elements. Different designs, products and collections are used to achieve a mix of styles. The style mix is often found in interior design. The various styles are mixed together in such a way that the different variations of the styles are visible.


The storyboard is a sketched version of a script or a sequence of events. The storyboard is used for the visualization of scripts and the planning of individual scenes. The presentation in the storyboard is concrete; angles, techniques and shot sizes are recorded. This gives the production team a clear view of how the story will be realized. This visual model is used to create image content.


The term streamline means streamlined shape and originated around 1920. The term plays an important role in aerodynamics for the development and research of air resistance. Streamline is also often used as a stylistic device for products. Streamline design is primarily intended to represent a future-oriented and dynamic design and has become a popular stylistic device. Streamline design is characterized by streamlined, curved shapes and long horizontal lines. It is often used for the vehicle industry, cars, motorcycles and airplanes are designed with the streamline.  Many designers were and are oriented towards the streamline design, for example Raymond Loewy, Marc Newson and Iosa Ghini.

Stringent Design

The stringent design is very strict and compelling. In terms of aesthetics and handling, the structure is absolutely functional and logical. It is comparable to the "consistent design".

Structural Packaging

Structural packaging is an intelligent and innovative method of packaging a product. It enhances the user's experience, because packaging is no longer just a shipping box, but a small event. The anticipation of the product is increased by the structural packaging, the high-quality packaging design makes opening an experience. Optimal structural packaging creates perfect order and a corresponding structure.


The style guide is a record of the design elements. The style guide regulates and lists the presentation and design in order to save costs and time. As a design guideline, the style guide gives the brand, advertising material and products a uniform appearance and appearance. The style guide is also known as the "corporate design manual". It includes the colors, paper types and paper formats, typography, line spacing, the type of structure, type area, layout, linguistic specifications and the use of image material. The aim is to comply with the corporate design. These standards also apply to print products such as print brochures and various advertising materials, interfaces or even a website. A style guide also covers technical and visual aspects, as well as software and systems.


Styling is the embellishment of a product in order to achieve higher sales figures. The product is aesthetically reworked during styling. No additional functions are added, only the design is changed. In product styling, the design language is completely changed. Styling is subject to criticism because there is no functional need for it and is therefore superficial.

System furniture

System furniture is a furniture system that can be made up of several components, i.e. modularly connected. Everything can be combined as required and the units can be linked together. One example would be the USM Haller office system.


Im Design ist eine ständige Zusammenarbeit und ein konsequenter Austausch nicht wegzudenken, deshalb ist hier immer Teamarbeit angesagt und nicht wegzudenken. Denn eine stimmige Zusammenarbeit im Design-Bereich führt zu einem effizienten und erfolgsorientierten Ergebnis.

Sehr gut ist es auch ein interdisziplinäres Team zu haben, so kann das Projekt von dem Fachwissen und den verschiedenen Strategien einzelnen Person gewinnen. 

Im Teamwork werden diversere Punkte diskutiert und überdacht, außerdem werden neue Vorschläge bewertet und weiterentwickelt. Genau diese Gespräche und Kick-Off Meetings führen oftmals zu den besten Ergebnissen bei der Weiterentwicklung und dem Design. Neue Ideen und Ansätze sind hier genauso wie Kreativität erwünscht.

Technical design

Technical design takes all factors into account to create successful products. Technical design deals with the technology, construction and manufacture of product development. Technical design is incorporated into the development process and adapted to the specific requirements of the product.

Trend Research

Trend research is about discovering and classifying current trends, observing them and acting accordingly. It is important to have an eye for future-oriented trends and to assess them correctly, as this forms the basis for new innovations. Trend research is carried out in various areas, including fashion, fitness, nutrition, technology, mobility, lifestyle and architecture. This enables new market potential to be recognized and expanded.

Unique piece

A unique piece is one of a kind, it is one of a kind and is often handmade. In fashion design, one-offs are made to measure. A unique piece is only available once and will not be mass-produced like a prototype. There are also no copies of a unique piece. The opposite of this is mass production and duplicates.

Universal Design

Universal design is a design approach that aims to create products, environments and means of communication in such a way that they can be used by as many people as possible, regardless of their age, abilities or circumstances. The aim of design is to create products and environments that can be used by as many people as possible.

One of the benefits of universal design is that it can help to break down barriers between people with different abilities. Another benefit of universal design is that it can help make products and environments more user-friendly for everyone. By designing products and environments so that they are easy to use. Universal design is therefore an important design approach that can help to make life easier for everyone. By designing products and environments that are accessible and user-friendly, universal design can help to create a more inclusive society.

User Centered Design (UCD)

User-centered design focuses on the user. In user-centered design, the design discipline is particularly geared towards the interests of the customer and the target group. This is because the focus of user-centered design is on the user. The task of user-centered design is more in-depth. The aim is not only to meet the customer/target group in terms of design, but also to offer the customer particularly good usability. The focus is no longer on the look, but on the use! For websites, these are functions such as scheduling appointments, online reservations, online banking, online tickets and order processing in an online store - the processes should be very intuitive and easy to use. Logical usability leads to customer satisfaction; this user-friendliness is the basis of good user-centered design.

User experience UX

The sum of all sensory perceptions when interacting with a product, a control system, an environment or a device. The user experience describes all aspects of a user's experience when interacting with a product or software.

User Interface Design

User interface design is the creative and functional development of a user interface. This interface is a component or an action with which a person comes into contact with a machine or a product. The simplest example of user interface design is the light switch: it belongs neither to the person nor to the "machine" (luminaire), but is the interface between the two.

For a user interface to be usable and useful for people, it must be adapted to their needs and abilities. From a systematic point of view, the user interface belongs to the human-machine systems (HMS): human ? Human-machine interface ? machine. Various sciences are dedicated to this topic, such as computer science, cognitive research and psychology.

The basic knowledge for user-friendly interface design is developed in design and ergonomics. The specific fields of activity here are cognitive ergonomics, system ergonomics and software ergonomics (usability engineering).

VDID (Association of German Industrial Designers)

The Association of German Industrial Designers (VDID) is a professional association of industrial designers in Germany, which was founded in 1959. The task of the association is to bring together and communicate design, industry, politics and society. This is intended to promote the quality and competence of industrial designers and make them more efficient. It is important to the association to help shape the future and to create food for thought and innovations. Working groups and workshops involving universities, companies and the media are working on this.

Voice Search

Voice search is an online search query without having to use the keyboard. Voice search is a popular and future-oriented technology because searching without a keyboard is more convenient than typing words. The user's hands are not needed and can be used for other purposes during the search or control. One advantage of voice search is its speed. Voice search is used by navigation devices, tablets, smartphones, televisions, desktop PCs and smart speakers. These include, for example, Echo (Alexa) from Amazon, Siri from Apple and Cortana from Microsoft. The digital assistants with voice control are networked and can be activated using a specific word.

VR / Virtual Reality

VR / virtual reality is an artificial and digital world. Computer-generated reality with images and sound is transmitted via a head-mounted display (VR goggles). In the non-real, apparent world, users can react individually to actions in real time. Everything can be perceived in 360 degrees and the user can act and react with controllers. Immersion in the "illusory world" is created using special software and hardware. In VR, users can also move and act with eye control. However, virtual reality is still very abstract and distant for many people. The future-oriented technology will most likely shape our everyday lives. However, VR is very successful and widespread in the gaming industry.


Zwomp is an online magazine for industrial design topics. In addition is publishing design news and especially projects from young designers. With its clear focus on industrial design is an outstanding media in the german speaking area.