

新F-微型败血症检验法是 生物医学博士芬宁的最新研究成果,它能够为检查检验败血症提供一个革命性的系统。 不同于耗时较长的常规方法,其分析过程显著加快,这大大缩短了愈合过程。

紧凑的自动装置可以使医生进行现场血液检查。 在25分钟内就可以得到检测结果。 这使得弗莱堡Fraunhofer-Institut of Physical Measuring technology IPM 的科学家开发的生物实验室芯片系统得以操作,在完全自动化的设备中对实验室芯片进行评估。 医生唯一需要做的就是将血液测试放入系统并等待结果。

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A small glossary intended to
simplify the understanding of design Glossary

The term „aesthetics“ derives from the Greek aísthēsis meaning „perception“, „sensation“ and has been a doctrine of visible beauty until the 19th century. That doctrine mainly focused upon the laws and the harmony in nature and art. Colloquially, aesthetics is nowadays mostly as a synonym for „nice“, „tasteful“ or „attractive“. In science „aesthetics“ means the amount of attributes, which decide how people perceive objects.