
centrotherm C.FIRE

成本优化和创新工业设计紧密结合:对于全球领先的光伏技术和设备公司centrotherm photovoltaics AG,我们开发了一种全新的整体产品设计。 色彩和形式采用简洁的现代概念则更具有说服力,特别是通过其创新的材料组合,对比不同的功能系统单元。 稳重的外观突出了系统优良的质量和可靠性。


成本设计的基本方法将最优成本与最佳工业设计和人性化人体工程学相结合。成本设计意味着在整个开发过程中都要顾及所有单个产品部件,并朝着成本、设计和质量的最佳解决方案对其进行优化。 利用这种方法设计的第一个中心光伏系统已在2011年交付,采用全新设计和优化技术。


Project overview

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Good to know...

A small glossary intended to
simplify the understanding of design Glossary
"User interface design"

Design and functional development of a user interface. Interface is a part or an act, in which a person makes contact with a machine or a product. The simplest example therefore is a light-switch: it‘s not part of the person, neither part of the machine (light), but an interface between. For being useful and important for persons, the interface should be based on human needs and skills. If you look at it systematically user interface belongs to the „Man Machine System“ (MMS): Man  ↔ Man-Machine-Interface ↔ Machine. Different sciences are focused on that theme, e.g. informatics, the Cognitive Science research and psychology. The basic knowledge for user-friendly interface design is developed in design and ergonomics. The specific field of activity is Cognitive Ergonomics, System Ergonomics and Software Ergonomics (usability engineering).