
Licon MT Liflex II 444

创新的双主轴加工中心LiFLEX II 444转数约为14.000 r.p.m,是市场上最强大的铣床 (能够在最小的空间中达到高效率),被广泛用于大批量生产,如汽车工业。


强大的动态设计体现了Liflex II 444的高切削量。设计理念集中于工艺室和托盘交换器这两个区域。大型安全玻璃门可以最大限度地的观察装载和处理区域。位于装载区前部的创新型旋转门系统提供了人性化的人体工程学设计,使工作人员能够安全、高效而轻松的工作。



Liflex II 444得到了国际评审的肯定,获得了2014年 iF 产品设计奖 并得到2015年联邦德国国家设计奖提名.

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"German Design Council"

The German Design Council is part of the leading international centers of expertise in design. As a provider of services for the economy its offering a unique plattform for the transfer of brand and design competence knowledge across the different sectors. The German Design Council celebrated its 60th birthday in 2013. Its foundation is based on a resolution of the lower german house of parlament, which demanded an establishment of a body that secures competitiveness and best quality of german products.