

针对瑞士公司Oerlikon Surface Solutions AG,我们创建了一个完整的1:5型号系列。 所有设计模型都是经过精心设计的演示模型,用于在展会和展览,以及他们自己的展厅中展示。 这些模型的目的是为了简化产品复杂功能的可视化,并传达机器设计的完美印象。


我们特别专注于详细阐述核心功能。 因此,当门打开时,自动模式将被激活,这将使主轴旋转并通过点亮序列模拟涂层过程。

所有型号都有一个集成的iPad的底板, 贸易展访问者均有机会观看动画并获取关于系统的说明。 以这种方式,可以交互地传达出系统特性。

Project overview

Further categories

Good to know...

A small glossary intended to
simplify the understanding of design Glossary
"User interface design"

Design and functional development of a user interface. Interface is a part or an act, in which a person makes contact with a machine or a product. The simplest example therefore is a light-switch: it‘s not part of the person, neither part of the machine (light), but an interface between. For being useful and important for persons, the interface should be based on human needs and skills. If you look at it systematically user interface belongs to the „Man Machine System“ (MMS): Man  ↔ Man-Machine-Interface ↔ Machine. Different sciences are focused on that theme, e.g. informatics, the Cognitive Science research and psychology. The basic knowledge for user-friendly interface design is developed in design and ergonomics. The specific field of activity is Cognitive Ergonomics, System Ergonomics and Software Ergonomics (usability engineering).